@movq@www.uninformativ.de I’d love it if you write up a page for jenny 🙏 at https://twtxt.dev 🤞
Still playing with the style/template and what to include, just keeping it simple for now.
@bender@twtxt.net I’m open to suggestions. What would you prefer the color scheme to be? 🤔
@bender@twtxt.net I have no idea what I want to be perfectly honest. This is CSS done from scratch 😅
Let’s try that… Pushed a new commit… Give it ~5m to update…
I’m not really sure that is any better hmmm, please help 🙏
@prologic@twtxt.net I wanted to wait for things to settle down. It’s still unclear to me in which direction we’re going – and if that new/different stuff is even possible to implement in jenny. That said, I’ve been really busy with private stuff these last few days, I’ve lost track of most of what you’re discussing. 🥴
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I don’t think that matters a great deal. I think you should publish your client anyway because I think the direction that will end up taking will hopefully be one that we collectively agree on. 🤞