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10 Gruesome Realities from the Great Chinese Famine
The Great Chinese Famine, which occurred between 1959 and 1961, is one of modern history’s most devastating and tragic events. It was a period marked by extreme food shortages, resulting in the deaths of millions of people. The famine was largely a consequence of misguided policies, natural disasters, and political turmoil, which together created a

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10 Surprising Radioactive Products That People Actually Used
Many times each year, some companies are forced to recall products due to some critical flaw in their design or a problem they did not foresee. For example, a drug might have an unexpected side effect, some food could have been contaminated, or a children’s toy found to contain small or sharp pieces. These days,

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10 Celebrations of Last Place Finishers Who Didn’t Quit
In the world of sports, it’s easy to focus on the winners—the ones who cross the finish line first and bask in their triumph. But there’s a different kind of heroism in those who come in last. Whether running a marathon or racing in the Kentucky Derby, these athletes embody a unique kind of victory

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10 Popular Antebellum Slang Terms That’ll Make You Laugh
Slang seems to be funny in pretty much every single era in which it is used. And it is especially funny after the slang terms of one generation go out of style and are then co-opted, replaced, and made light of by future generations. Think of all the slang terms of the past that seem

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Unwrapping the Unknown: 10 Bizarre Mummy Stories
Mummies have always sparked our curiosity, offering an eerie glimpse into the lives and deaths of ancient people. But they aren’t just confined to the grand tombs of Egypt. From the frozen peaks of the Andes to the misty catacombs of Italy, mummies have been discovered in the most unexpected places, each with a story

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The Top 10 Zombies in Pop Culture History
Zombies have been a staple in pop culture for decades, captivating audiences with their eerie presence and relentless pursuit of the living. From classic literature to blockbuster movies and TV series, these undead creatures have undergone numerous transformations, each bringing a unique twist to the genre. The concept of zombies has evolved significantly, reflecting societal

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10 Untranslated Texts That Hold Secrets of Forgotten Languages
In the depths of libraries and hidden archives exists a collection of literary enigmas that beckon the curious and ignite the imagination. Untranslated texts, shrouded in mystery and untouched by modern linguists, hold within their pages the untold stories of forgotten languages. These texts, like ancient cryptic codes waiting to be deciphered, whisper secrets that

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10 Stories about Airplane Hijackers Who Aren’t D.B. Cooper
Airplane hijacking is an act that strikes fear into the hearts of passengers and crew alike. While the infamous D.B. Cooper often comes to mind when discussing this terrifying crime, history is filled with other hijackers whose audacious acts have left a lasting impact on aviation security and the broader public consciousness. Each of these

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10 Games Where You Can Get Drunk
Video games strive to simulate many aspects of real life. As such, a common pastime in these virtual worlds is drinking. Many titles let you consume copious quantities of alcohol. As a result, your in-game characters get hopelessly drunk. This sorry state can obviously lead to funny moments as you bumble over everything in sight.

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Ten Bizarre AI Blunders
Artificial intelligence is transforming the modern world. Algorithmic technology is constantly evolving, which means slip-ups are inevitable. And when they occur, some of them are completely off the wall. From images of racially diverse Nazi soldiers to mistaking a cat for guacamole, AI is responsible for making some spectacular faux pas. But these mistakes are

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10 Times Children Were Arrested for Ridiculous Reasons
We understand that children are also human and can do evil, forcing the law to intervene. We totally agree with this scenario. However, there have been certain times when the law went overboard in dealing with cases involving children. In these cases, we believe that adults in the vicinity could have handled the issue without

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10 Bizarre Modern Engineering Wonders
Engineering is a field where creativity and innovation often converge to create remarkable, sometimes peculiar, marvels. As technology advances, engineers around the world are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, leading to the development of some truly bizarre yet fascinating inventions. These modern engineering wonders challenge our understanding of design and function and inspire

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10 Common School Activities and Events That Took a Tragic Turn
School is much more than just a place of learning—it’s a central part of childhood and a nurturing environment where memories are made, friendships are forged, and both academic and social growth is fostered. Whether it’s the carefree laughter at recess, the thrill of field trips, the magical moments that unfold at school dances, or

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10 Times Actors Flat Out Refused to Say Lines in Their Scripts
Actors have to say the lines that are written for them in scripts. Sounds like a pretty simple and uninteresting sentence, right? That’s the number one job of an actor! Whether on stage or on screen, actors have lines they must read, stage directions they must follow, and marks they must hit to make a

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10 of the Most Shocking Things about Medieval Prisons
While modern correctional facilities are often criticized for substandard conditions or treatment, prisons operating during the much more brutal medieval age were truly horrendous. Although, some aspects of incarceration at this time were surprising for other reasons. Not only did these places, sometimes housed in castle dungeons, tend to be filthy, but the punishment doled

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10 Inspiring Battles Against Age Discrimination
Age discrimination is more than just a workplace issue—it’s a deeply personal challenge that tests the resilience and dignity of those who face it. Each story on this list represents a unique journey of courage, where individuals refused to be diminished by the passing of years or sidelined by outdated biases. These are not just

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10 Game Villains Who Became Henchmen
Villains can be a memorable part of any video game. Their ominous plans dominate the plot, and they can be highly entertaining in their evil tirades. To maintain that sense of fun, developers often bring their baddies back for multiple sequels. However, it’s hard to sell any sense of escalation when the same villain loses

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10 Eerie Facts of America’s Oldest Unsolved Missing Persons Case
True crime is one of the most popular and most followed genres of media in the digital world today. Millions upon millions of people track murders, missing person cases, serial killer stories, and all sorts of other grisly things as they progress through the news. The stories of people vanishing into thin air are the

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10 Savage Diss Tracks That Aren’t Rap or Hip-Hop
When it comes to diss tracks, the genres of rap and hip-hop dominate, with rap battles being a standard part of those musical cultures. But musicians from other genres do occasionally dip their toes into the musical fight. Here are the stories behind 10 savage songs from other genres—some of which you might not have

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10 Bizarre Claims of British Israelism
British Israelism is a theory of a master race similar to the Aryan supremacy propaganda of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. But unlike the Nazi ideology, British Israelists claim their theory finds support in the Bible and is, therefore, God’s own revelation. One of its first proponents was a mentally insane former British Navy lieutenant

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10 Shakespearean Plays Based on Real-Life Stories
The legendary William Shakespeare was an ingenious dramatist, but most of his plays were actually based on existing material, such as old stories and historical events. Shakespeare would significantly restructure stories and add characters. His brilliant stage adaptations based on actual history helped to make him a literary icon. Some of these are derived from

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10 Shockingly Germy Everyday Items (and How to Disinfect Them)
Germs are crafty little invaders, often thriving in the everyday items we take for granted. We might feel confident tossing groceries into reusable shopping bags or taking a sip from a water bottle, but these seemingly harmless objects can be hiding more bacteria than we’d ever imagine. In our busy lives, it’s easy to overlook

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10 Sounds That Can’t Be Scientifically Explained
There are thousands of mysteries across the globe that have yet to be explained, but did you know that some of them deal with sounds? Scientists have struggled to explain certain sounds and noises that have occurred around the world. Some of these noises have been repeating over time, while others only happened once. Some

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10 Signs That the Universe Might Be Alive
Imagine a universe that breathes, thinks, and orchestrates its own majestic symphony of galaxies and stars—a universe not just vast and ancient but vibrantly alive. This concept stretches beyond our traditional views of life, pushing the boundaries between the physical and the philosophical, where science meets the soul of existence. As we gaze into the

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10 Emo Bands That Rebranded & Made It Big in Other Genres
As a musical genre, emo developed out of the ’80s and ’90s alternative rock scene. It became a whole new subculture in the 2000s. Pairing rock band music with often unorthodox structures and angsty themes—and a strand of fashion that prioritized skinny jeans, eyeliner, and straight black hair—the scene hit hard but burned out by

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Ten Facts about the American Civil War That Few People Know
There are few things more Americans know at least a baseline of facts about than the Civil War. From 1861 to 1865, the war was fought between the North and its Union troops and the South and its Confederacy. Slavery was, of course, the significant focal point of the war, its lead-up, and its aftermath.

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10 Common Practices That Actually Damage Ecosystems
The health of our planet’s ecosystems is crucial for the survival of countless species, including humans. However, many everyday practices, often seen as harmless or even beneficial, can significantly harm these delicate environments. In an era where environmental conservation is more critical than ever, understanding the impact of our actions is paramount. From the overuse

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