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Recent twts from stigatle

Had a amazing bike ride with the dog today, the weather is a bit cold today (15c). Been wanting to find a gravel road that I can use, without meeting too many others. And today I found that. Got his pulling harness on, got my bike out of the basement, and headed out.

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I’ve decided to try and get rid of as much stress as possible. Stupid things stress me out, some things are more important to fix then others. But today I got started, by fixing the xeon bulb on our car, been ignoring it for a year, because the car garage said it’ll cost me 350$ so get it changed (Because they had to remove the whole front).. So because of that I did not prioritize it. But today I went and bought a bulb for 50$ and I openened the hood of the car and saw I could just replace it my self by simply removing a cover to get access to the bulb. So I’ve been stressing over nothing for a year simply because I did not check and took their word for it. next thing to get fixed is a rotten board under a window outside, been bugging me for a long time, now I want to get that sorted next. All these small things adds up, and I want peace of mind.

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Finally fixed so that usernames mentioned in a post shows up as @user , and not with brackets and twtxt file url, looks so much better now! One thing I want to focus on next - is handling replies to a status, that will make it much easier to follow a conversation.

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4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it’s back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It’ll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we’ve already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :)

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So, the client now has a lot of features. I will work on fixing the @ mentions tomorow, making it like this: @username in bold. Will also see if I can fix so that users already mention in a post you click ‘reply’ on is also put into the status text field. When these things are sorted the flutter version has the same features as the GTK4 client. I’m quite pleased with the result of the conversion to flutter so far. Finally got motivated to work with it, which feels good.

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Media upload works, light\dark theme enabled. Tested it on debian\windows - works out of the box, statusbar moved to bottom for cleaner UI. Next is working more on ui when it refreshes the timelines. .


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Today I’m looking into flutter again, I’ve been wanting to test that out for a while.
I started adding functionality from the ‘yarn desktop client’ ( ) I’ve been working on - and now I see if I can get the same functionality up and running with flutter.
Currently I’m able to log in and fetch the logged in user’s username at least (the text :username: is fetched after logging in), so it’s a good start.
That means I have the things I need to fetch the timeline and present that next.


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Yesterday we had some time to ourselves, kids was sleeping at grandmas place. So me and Marlyn went for a 250 km ride on twisty forest roads :) now we are home again, nachos and movie 🍿. Love you Marlyn!


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