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Recent twts from New_scientist

Windows computers around the world are failing in a major outage
An update to a piece of software called CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor appears to be negatively impacting Windows computers worldwide, with banks, airports, broadcasters and more finding that devices display a “blue screen of death” instead of booting up ⌘ Read more

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Light-activated drugs could keep sleep-deprived military pilots alert
A US military program led by DARPA is modifying the stimulant drug dextroamphetamine so it can be switched on or off in the brain using near-infrared light, avoiding risks like addiction ⌘ Read more

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Hybrid design could make nuclear fusion reactors more efficient
Two types of fusion reactor called tokamaks and stellarators both have drawbacks – but a new design combining parts from both could offer the best of both worlds ⌘ Read more

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Did rock art spread from one place or was it invented many times?
Rock art is a truly global phenomenon, with discoveries of cave paintings and etchings on every continent that ancient humans inhabited – but how many times was it invented over human history? ⌘ Read more

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UK election: How can next government get climate goals back on track?
The UK’s journey to net zero has stalled – whoever wins the 4 July election will need to get it moving again, but many climate scientists are frustrated with what the main parties are offering ⌘ Read more

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JWST spotted an incredible number of supernovae in the early universe
Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have increased the number of known supernovae in the early universe by a factor of 10 and found the most distant one ever confirmed ⌘ Read more

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Lung-targeted CRISPR therapy offers hope for cystic fibrosis
Gene therapies for cystic fibrosis have previously struggled to reach the faulty lung cells, but a new approach has succeeded in achieving long-lasting modifications in mice ⌘ Read more

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Odd black holes smaller than protons may have once littered the cosmos
Minuscule black holes that formed right after the big bang could have had a strange property called colour charge, and spotting them could help unravel the mystery of dark matter ⌘ Read more

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Mathematicians discover impossible problem in Super Mario games
Using the tools of computational complexity, researchers have discovered it is impossible to figure out whether certain Super Mario Bros levels can be beaten without playing them, even if you use the world’s most powerful supercomputer ⌘ Read more

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Russia faces $32 billion bill for carbon emissions from Ukraine war
The estimated greenhouse gas emissions caused by the war in Ukraine are equivalent to around 175 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, and Ukraine plans to include the associated climate damage in its compensation claim against Russia ⌘ Read more

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Martin Rees: Why challenge prizes can solve our most pressing issues
As the winner of the Longitude Prize on Antimicrobial Resistance is announced, chair of the prize committee Martin Rees, the UK’s Astronomer Royal, explains why it pays to reward ideas ⌘ Read more

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Quantum sensor gets a read on tiny worm implanted with nanodiamonds
Tiny diamonds and quantum sensors can be used to measure conditions inside cells or living organisms, potentially offering a way to detect diseases or study biology in minute detail ⌘ Read more

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We could detect a malfunctioning warp drive on an alien starship
Faster-than-light warp drives are theoretically possible to build, and if aliens are using them, we should be able to detect the gravitational waves produced when one goes wrong ⌘ Read more

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Australian pterosaur had a huge tongue to help gulp down prey
Scientists have identified a new species of pterosaur from a 100-million-year-old fossil in Australia, which appears to have had a massive tongue to push prey down its throat ⌘ Read more

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What “naked” singularities are revealing about quantum space-time
Are points of infinite curvature, where general relativity breaks down, always hidden inside black holes? An audacious attempt to find out is shedding light on the mystery of quantum gravity ⌘ Read more

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Astronaut medical records reveal the health toll of space travel
The largest collection yet of detailed medical data and tissue samples from astronauts should help researchers better understand the impacts of space flight on health ⌘ Read more

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How many moons and moonmoons could we cram into Earth’s orbit?
Earth is lagging behind other worlds with its single moon, so on this episode of Dead Planets Society we are giving it more – and giving those moons moonmoons to orbit them ⌘ Read more

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A surprisingly quick enzyme could shift our understanding of evolution
Biological processes such as DNA replication or cellular structure formation may become more accurate when done as quickly as possible, offering new hints into life’s origins ⌘ Read more

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Bacteria evolve to get better at evolving in lab experiment
When bacteria were put in alternating environments, some became better at evolving to cope with the changes – evidence that “evolvability” can be gained through natural selection ⌘ Read more

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Cosmic cloud exposed Earth to interstellar space 3 million years ago
The protective bubble around the sun retreated dramatically after colliding with a freezing interstellar cloud, leaving much of the solar system exposed to radiation that shaped our evolution, a study suggests ⌘ Read more

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The word ‘bot’ is increasingly being used as an insult on social media
The meaning of the word “bot” on Twitter/X seems to have shifted over time, with people originally using it to flag automated accounts, but now employing it to insult people they disagree with ⌘ Read more

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Starliner and Starship launches propel space industry into a new era
SpaceX successfully launched its Starship rocket on the same day that Boeing’s Starliner craft made its first crewed flight, a sign that the space industry is hotting up ⌘ Read more

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Physicists want to drill a 5-kilometre-deep hole on the moon
Going deep into lunar rock could give us an opportunity to see if protons can decay into something else – a finding that could help us unify conflicting physics theories ⌘ Read more

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Male lemurs grow bigger testicles when there are other males around
Dominant male Verreaux’s sifakas always have the largest testicles in their group to make the most sperm, and they can grow their gonads to make sure of it ⌘ Read more

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Atoms at temperatures beyond absolute zero may be a new form of matter
Physicists have coaxed a cloud of atoms into having a temperature beyond absolute zero and placed them in a geometric structure that could produce an unknown form of matter ⌘ Read more

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Origins of modern horses traced to breeding revolution 4200 years ago
A genetic analysis of ancient horses reveals that breeding techniques developed by people in the Pontic-Caspian steppes enabled the rapid spread of horse-powered travel ⌘ Read more

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Starship launch: Fourth test succeeds as both stages splash into sea
SpaceX’s Starship has been to orbit and back in its fourth flight test, with both rocket stages soft landing in the ocean, though parts of the spacecraft appeared to be damaged during descent ⌘ Read more

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Sweetener xylitol linked to higher risk of heart attacks and strokes
People who had higher levels of xylitol in their blood were more likely to have a heart attack or stroke within the next three years, with lab experiments suggesting the sweetener promotes blood clotting ⌘ Read more

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Dutch police trial AI-powered robot dog to safely inspect drug labs
The Dutch police force is already using a remotely controlled Spot robot dog made by Boston Dynamics to examine drug labs in raids, and now it wants to make the robot fully autonomous ⌘ Read more

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Does coming off antidepressants really cause withdrawal symptoms?
People who stop taking antidepressants may get mental and physical symptoms as their bodies adjust to the lack of medicines - now we know how common this is ⌘ Read more

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