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Recent twts from New_scientist

Forests may grow more slowly than expected as CO2 levels rise
Rising CO2 levels will spur the growth of forests, which store carbon, but an experiment suggests this effect could be restricted by the availability of phosphorus in the soil ⌘ Read more

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Eczema may sometimes be caused by eating too much salt
People with eczema have higher levels of sodium in their urine than those without the skin condition, with every additional 1 gram linked to an 11 per cent increase in the risk of a diagnosis ⌘ Read more

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Tiny brain sensor implanted without surgery dissolves after weeks
In animal tests, a cube of hydrogel the length of a rice grain was implanted in the brain with a needle to monitor temperature or pressure, and then dissolved away after a few weeks ⌘ Read more

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Earth’s atmosphere is trapping twice as much heat as it did in 1993
Earth’s energy imbalance, a key measure of global warming, has doubled in the past 20 years, raising concerns about how much heat the oceans are absorbing ⌘ Read more

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Mathematicians can’t agree what ‘equals’ means, and that’s a problem
What does “equals” mean? For mathematicians, this simple question has more than one answer, which is causing issues when it comes to using computers to check proofs. The solution might be to tear up the foundations of maths ⌘ Read more

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Why excessive positivity is bad for your health and mental well-being
There are real benefits to a positive mindset, but the idea that we should always look on the bright side has gone too far. Research into toxic positivity can help restore balance ⌘ Read more

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China is sending giant pandas to US zoos for the first time in decades
In recent years, China recalled pandas from three out of four US zoos that had the bears, signalling diplomatic tensions between the two countries – but this year China has offered two new pairs of giant pandas ⌘ Read more

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How materials that rewind light can test physics’ most extreme ideas
Strange solids called temporal metamaterials finally make it possible to investigate the controversial idea of quantum friction – and push special relativity to its limits ⌘ Read more

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Snares are wiping out South-East Asian wildlife – what can be done?
Efforts to remove animal traps and discourage poaching in Vietnamese protected areas have been partly effective, but conservationists say other approaches are needed to safeguard threatened species ⌘ Read more

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