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Recent twts from Schwartzreport

In ‘Historic Shift,’ Renewables Overtake Fossil Fuels to Provide 30% of EU Electricity
Cristen Hemingway Jaynes,  Contributing Writer  -  EcoWatch

Stephan: Here is some more good EU news, and actually it is good news for Earth. As a country exits the carbon power era, so the matrix of life is less threatened. I wish I could so the same kind of stories about similar changes being made in the U.S..

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Antarctic temperatures soar 50 degrees above norm in long-lasting heat wave
Kasha Patel,  Reporter  -  Microsoft Start / THe Washington Post

_Stephan: Out of stupidity and mostly greed, the small group of people who control the gas and oil industries are destroying the Earth’s Matrix of Life. You would think that they would understand that they and their families will suffer from this as well as all the other humans, and all the other beings that ma … ⌘ Read more

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Trump Falsely Claims Harris Hasn’t Always Identified as Black
PHILIP ELLIOTT,  Staff Writer  -  Time Magazine

_Stephan: From the time I met him in New York when we were both in our twenties I have never thought of criminal Trump as much above average intelligence. But in the last two weeks, since Kamala Harris became the Democratic candidate, listening to him he seems to have become obviously mentally impaired. He says things that are so blatantly stupid, and so e … ⌘ Read more

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Top 5 Problems for Doctors in Today’s Healthcare System
Angela Rose,  Staff Writer  -  MedPage Today

_Stephan: A physician who is also an SR reader sent me this telling me these trends are accurately described and that he had experienced them and saw them as a serious threat to our declining healthcare system. I have covered a number of these trends (see SR archive) but not together as a package. The American illness profit system is clearly failing, and I hope that if … ⌘ Read more

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JD Vance In 2021: ‘We Have To Go To War’ Against The Idea That Women Don’t Have To Have Kids
Jennifer Bendery,  Reporter  -  yahoo / HuffPost

_Stephan: I hope you realize how very revealing these stories that are coming out almost daily are about what was once the Republican now the MAGAt Party. Can you imagine Dwight Eisenhower, or even George Bush (41), choosing such a loathsome man to be their running partner? Vance sounds like a dru … ⌘ Read more

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