It feels like an A’ Hole pointing at typos while other people are the ones doing the real work ! 😅 It’s just a simple twtxt2html and scp … it goes like:
twtxt2html $HOME/path/to/local_twtxt_dir/twtxt.txt > $HOME/path/to/local_twtxt_dir/log.html && \
scp $HOME/path/to/local_twtxt_dir/log.html user@remotehost:/path/to/static_files_dir/
I’ve been lazy to add it to my publish_command script, now I can just copy/pasta from the twt 😅 It’s nobody’s fault! 😇 It’s all part of the fun with them Ones and Zeros
Thank you Things are working again!! 🙏
Done and done! everything is back to normal! 🥳
FIX: Temporarily removed sorenpeter’s twtxt link from my follow list, whipped my twtxt Maildir and jenny Cache. Only then I was able to fetch everything as usual (I think). Now I’ll backup things and see what happens if I pull sorenpeter’s feed.
No keyboards were harmed during this experiment… yet. Nah! I don’t do news feeds 🤣 I gave some a try back then but it was just way too much noise. I have a separate app for RSS feeds I want to follow. None of them mention AI except for one article about the author’s fight back against the crawlers, I believe I’ve mentioned it before.
Something odd just happened to my twtxt timeline… A bunch of twts dissapered, others were marked to be deleted in mutt. so I nuked my whole twtxt Maildir and deleted my ~/.cache/jenny in order to start with a fresh Pull. I pulled feed as usual. Now like HALF the twts aren’t there 😂 even my my last replay. WTF IS GOING ON? 🤣🤣🤣
Also what are the change that the same human will make two different posts within the same second?!
Just out of curiosity, What would happen someday if I (maybe trolling) edit my twtxt.txt-file manually and switch/switch a couple of twt timestamps, or add in 3 different twts manually with the same time stamp? didn’t it already? or is it just me and my social bubble? 🤔 !! I freaking love your Timeline … I kind of have an justified PHP phobia 😅 but, I’m definitely thinking about giving it a try!
/ME wondering if it’s possible to use it locally just to read and manage my feed at first and then maybe make it publicly accessible later. can’t one just link to a keyoxide profile with a link to their Twtxt feed for identity or something?
Where do I download more hours for my days? not having more than 24 hours a day S U C K S !
My cat just had a… nightmare ? He woke up, slapped me in the face then jumped off of the bed giving me the “WTF Just happened Human!?” look. 🤭 F-Droid is a platform/app that lets you side-load/install and serve android apps without the need for Google’s play store’s blessing. I also use Aurora Store to install Play Store’s apps without having to associate my phone with Google account. 🦾 it makes me feel good about myself 🥸
I’m SO enjoying the new jenny --fetch-context
Good Morning, 30 min till Sunrise. I wouldn’t mind that for the bigger images, although, my main problem is with the scrappers and other platforms that nuke my RPi whenever I post a link out there… yes! I mean Mastodon 😆
BTW! I’ve just white listed … you should be able to see the embedded image by now.
you’ll probably get an Error 1011 🤦 … just copy and paste the link in a new tab if you can Screenshot of neomutt running Jenny My index formatting is intact, probably because I still haven’t figured out how to set up my terminal to show RTL text correctly! 😅 but hey, that won’t be a problem anymore, I don’t feel like twting in Arabic. Sorry for the inconvenience.
إحتس قهوتك بسلام ☕🕊
Just in case Clownflare throws a couple of 5xx errors at your requests, I’m rebooting. See ya in a couple of seconds!
Why buy a Standing Desk when you can just set up a cardboard box on your regular desk for your keyboard and a milk crate for your monitor? 😆
I don’t remember who was looking for a way to block A.I bots/scrappers. But here’s an article by Cloudflare “Declare your AIndependence: block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single click” offering a way to do so even for the ones spoofing their User-Agent and such. Watched that one the other day after seeing that much chatter about #HTMX on the feed. And now I’m watching HTMX Sucks - Youtube by the same person (or should I say people?) 😂
Definitely have! Oups!
I have finally migrated my Jenny/Mutt setup to the other machine, Yey!
Some(one/thing) is going Berserk at my web server and some of their requests are "GET /etc/shadow HTTP/1.1"
and "GET /.ssh/id_ed25519 HTTP/1.1"
… I think they should try and POST some kind of sudo rm -rf /*
while they’re at it; it would be funnier.
I’m still alive ! Here’s a quick, brainless recap dump before I switch back to the other side:
- Been daily driving FreeBSD on the o(ther)ld machine for the last couple of days.
- Read through the handbook, played around with jails, pulled on my hair because of network issues (I think I might have maybe fixed that) … etc.
- Still procrastinating over migrating my Jenny/Mutt setup out there. until then, I’ll be getting my Twtxt fix reading through conversations over on the ✌
- Gave a couple of Nostr based platforms a try, it was … not for me to say the least.
- Started learning Emacs (I know, I’m in trouble LOL) and might even start twtin’ from there instead.
Hello I hope you’re doing well.
I dunno if it’s normal, but it seems like I am unable to access your twtxt.tx file… 😅
Oh Look!! There’s a Twtxt #IRC channel ! 😃
Ouiiiiii… two more interesting feeds to follow! 🤩
Hi everyone!
Wait a minute! Nyxt browser can surf gopher, gemini aaaaaand http!? 😲
What’s all of this about? one may ask…
Well I’ve been itching to toy around with a BSD on actual hardware and away from the comfort of VMs. NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD… It doesn’t matter. I just want to “Make it feel… Make it feel alive AGAIN!”
I’ve ripped off it’s GPU about a year ago to rescue another computer … Now I’m stuck with only SSH to play with it. Since it came with just a VGA port for display and my monitor takes all but THAT!
Planning a file back up from an old machine that’s been sitting in the corner gathering dust… Because I know ! I’m about to eff it up, BIIIIG Time ! 😂 Awesome! I guess that fixed it. Unless sees otherwise LOL.
p.s: Broken mentions again?
This is a test twt to see if :set formatoptions-=t
in vim would stop the annoying line breaking I’ve been having in my twts… And I guess, that’s it! Things are looking OK on my end.
How about if I add in a separate paragraph like this one? Did hit return twice for it. I hope it isn’t breaking anything else.
Well! My 24 hrs without a GUI Web browser was quite of a nice experience.
As a matter of fact, and as long as I’m not doing any 3D work, I kind of don’t need gui applications as much as it feels like.
Even though, a couple of websites asked me to eff off because they need
JavaScript to work. Some others handed me a cold “402 Upgrade Required” client
error response… (LOL let’s not even talk about how Github repos looked
and felt like). I have managed to fix a couple of things I’ve been meaning to
for quite some time but never got, mainly to because of my browsing
habits. I tend to open a lot of tabs, read some, get distracted then
open some more and down the rabbit hole (or shall I say tabs) I go.
All in all, it was quite a nice experience.
How nice? It was an “I’m dropping into a full TTY experience for another
24 hrs” kind of nice!
Although, I miss using a mouse already, but hey, I would have never
heard about gpm(8) otherwise.
I guess I’m not missing my GUI Web Browser yet. In fact, I think I’m enjoying this. 😆
I might even drop to TTY to try stuff I read about earlier today.
Do you believe one can survive surfing the web using a text-based web browser? (i.e: Lynx or W3m) no CSS no Bling for at least 24 hours 😲