Gold ring found in cabbage could be from ‘anywhere in the world’
A gold ring found in a cabbage plant by a West Australian farmer has been traced back to the Netherlands, but its true owner and origin remain a mystery. ⌘ Read more
Letná škola fotografie a animovaného filmu
Letná škola fotografie a animovaného filmu, organizovaná Metodickým centrom UMB pre Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí, ponúkla žiakom z rôznych kútov sveta jedinečnú príležitosť na získanie cenných skúseností v oblasti digitálnej kreativity. Povedali nám to pedagogičky Miluša Snidová Mišković a Elena Lončar, ktoré sa zúčastnili na tomto zaujímavom podujatí. Obe sa zhodujú, že uvedený vzdelávací projekt, uskutočnený pod gesciou Minister … ⌘ Read more
#MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 33
v3.1.0-beta.1 | Gitness ⌘ Read more
After work bike tour
I admit it, I should rename the subtitle of my blog from “Thoughts of an IT expert” to “My bike tour log”. Even though it was 29° C outside today, I wanted to do another bike tour after work. 42 km through the surrounding area of my hometown. I discovered new places and noticed that it actually feels colder next to trees. It was much fun! ⌘ Read more
Beginner’s guide to GitHub: Creating a pull request
As part of the GitHub for Beginners guide, learn how to create pull requests. This will enable you to suggest changes to existing repositories.
The post Beginner’s guide to GitHub: Creating a pull request appeared first on The GitHub Blog. ⌘ Read more
** Dithering the Shire **
In my last post I said that
I’ve had a few ideas for other personal experiments I wanna build on those walks, but haven’t actually wanted to do much programming — maybe this fall or winter will be a good time for that?
Welp, it wasn’t even an idea when I wrote that, but I made another implementation of pico cam, this time using swift for iOS. I won’t release it to the App Store because I d … ⌘ Read more
お知らせ:JPCERT/CC インターネット定点観測レポート[2024年4月1日~2024年6月30日] ⌘ Read more
Turning Film Negatives Into Hologram Projectors ⌘ Read more
Wales’ new first minister to name health secretary
Eluned Morgan will announce her replacement at health, the day after becoming first minister. ⌘ Read more
Jeremy Rowley resigns from DigiCert due to mass-revocation incident
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Of All Things
Of all the things we might celebrate each year, whether new year, religious and secular holidays (depending on the country one lives in, etc.), there is one I consider extremely special, and worth of celebrating: one’s birthday.
Birthdays do not only mark a milestone in one’s life, they are the true new year, the most important new year for each one of us. A new year begins right after your birthday. The one everybody celebrates at year’s end is alright, but the new year you start at the sunset of your b … ⌘ Read more
Untitled ⌘ Read more
NPR News: 08-04-2024 7PM EDT
NPR News: 08-04-2024 7PM EDT
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MYD-LR3568-GK-B IPC Box: Dual Gigabit Ethernet, CAN Interface, and M.2 NVMe SSD PCIe Slot
MYIR Tech has unveiled the MYD-LR3568-GK-B IPC Box, targeting industrial and edge computing sectors. This release comes shortly after the introduction of the MYC-LR3568 System-on-Module in last month. The IPC Box is equipped with the Rockchip RK3568 processor, which includes quad-core ARM Cortex-A55 cores capable of operating up to 1.8GHz. It also features an Arm
J’ai découvert par hasard cette illustration d’Aurore Petit, qui pourrait parler à des #vegan ou végétariens wannabe comme moi:
Ruf nach strengeren Visaauflagen für Russen
Vor dem Hintergrund des diese Woche vollzogenen Gefangenenaustauschs zwischen Russland und westlichen Ländern mehren sich in Deutschland die Rufe nach strengen Auflagen und Kontrollen bei der Einreise russischer Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger. Es müsse „gewährleistet werden, dass durch gründliche und strikte Visaprüfungen russische Spione und Saboteure keinen Zugang erhalten“, sagte etwa der deutsche Grünen-Bundestagsabgeordnete Marcel Emmerich am Samstag zum Berliner „Tagesspiegel“. ⌘ Read more
Three stable kernel updates for Saturday
The 6.10.3, 6.6.44, and 6.1.103 stable kernel updates have all been released. As usual, they
contain important fixes throughout the tree. Users of those kernels
should upgrade. ⌘ Read more
Deep sea mining opponents suffer major setback
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Points: 4
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I finally gave in and tried out Caddy. It’s about as great as everyone says it is.
Honest Government Ad | FOI laws ⌘ Read more
Note to self, don’t park on a hill in neutral with handbrake off
I’m working on getting my twtxt.txt file up to standards so that it will be more than yelling in the wind.
This is my last test of the day
The Facebook Messenger Android app user experience:
- App fails to update, so you have to reinstall it.
- You login and have to accept all the bullish terms of service again.
- The loading wheel gets stuck so you have to restart the app and do it all a second time.
- It tries to download your language and fails, so you have to click “download again” and wait for the app to slowly crunch everything together.
- Now you can finally use the fucking webapp.
📣 NEW: Added a new feature for pod operators to optionally configure. Compact Front Page.
When enabled will display only one post per feed on the unauthenticated Discover view (the front page).
Lessons from CrowdStrike’s Buggy Update: The Critical Importance of Robust Release Processes
Community post by Andrés Vega, CNCF TAG Security Recent events involving CrowdStrike’s Falcon security software have underscored a critical lesson across the industry : the importance of having a robust, secure release process. This incident serves as a… ⌘ Read more
how can we concretely think about “Complexity Budget” and define it in terms that can be leveraged and used to control the complexity of software dns ystems?
Not exactly on “Complexity”, more on UX, although I use this book as a reading material for design courses, on how finally the user receives all that complexity with tragic consecuences:
And on that “complexity” that the user doesn’t see, usually I go with “Software Architecture: The Hard Parts”
Looking for a good library to parse xml feeds with PHP
**I just blocked the following ASN(s) from being able to hit
16509 - AMAZON-02
32934 - FACEBOOK
Why? Because …**
I just blocked the following ASN(s) from being able to hit
16509 - AMAZON-02
32934 - FACEBOOK
Why? Because the Claude Bot web crawler from facebookexternalhit and Meta’s facebookexternalhit web crawler are both behaving badly for pages that have no cache headers. Not sure if this is malicious, an oversight, a … ⌘ Read more
2 of the Best Hex Editors for Mac: ImHex & Hex Fiend
Hex editors are software tools that are able to view and edit hex data and raw binary data of files, and can be frequently used by programmers, developers, and reverse engineers, to inspect, debug, and analyze files and software. Some advanced users even rely on hex editors for data recovery and digital forensics, or to … Read More ⌘ Read more
Les coulisses du RN:
New show tasks conspiracy theorists with proving that the Earth is flat
A novel new reality show will require Flat Earth believers to convince a panel of experts that they are correct. Those who believe that the Earth is f… ⌘ Read more
Why I HATE Airports ⌘ Read more
Fun with React Hook Forms and MUI Material lately. overall this was pretty good and the run-walk intervals kept my heart rate low.
at around 0400 a car came racing (90-100 mph) down gulf blvd towards my direction. it turned its headlights off and actually lost traction at point and skidded a bit. okay, kids. then a bit later i hear the car coming back behind me… so i got as far to the right as i could in case the car skids again. as it passed me i looked over my shoulder and saw a police vehicle a bit back w/o lights on yet. then looking in front another cop and then they blocked the lanes to get the driver to stop. driver decided he wasn’t stopping and tried to swerve around the police and ended up ping-ponging between sides of the road. enough of that…
took a wrong turn after going over the first bridge, but luckily it went in a loop. didn’t really know exactly where i was going anyways and was just winging it from the get-go.
the rest of the run was pretty uneventful and just a fun experience. crazy idea accomplished.
Middle East Crisis: Israeli Airstrikes Hit Gaza City; Casualties Are Reported
The Israeli military said fighter jets had targeted “Hamas military infrastructure” at two sites. Gazan authorities reported multiple dead and said people were trapped under rubble. ⌘ Read more
Setbacks be damned: Aussie Ajla into grasscourt final but Thompson loses
Ajla Tomljanovic’s latest comeback is gathering steam ahead of Wimbledon, advancing to the Rothesay Classic final in Birmingham and within one victory of her maiden WTA title. ⌘ Read more
在 Rust 中使用 SQLX 集成 SQLite 數據庫
SQLite 是一個 c 語言庫,它實現了一個小型、快速、自包含、高可靠性、全功能的 SQL 數據庫引擎,與 Rust 的安全性和性能非常匹配。sqlx crate 是一個很棒的工具,可以提供到各種數據庫 (包括 SQLite) 的異步連接。sqlx 的美妙之處在於它可以在編譯時檢查 SQL 查詢語句以及它與 Rust 異步特性的兼容。在這篇文章中,我們將探索如何使用 sqlx 將 Rust 與 ⌘ Read more
Network Configuration
⌘ Read more
🕖 The time is now seven o’clock 🌞
Kurzkritik Türkei gegen Georgien: Packender Wassersport
Bei der Menge an EM-Spielberichten kommt man gar nicht mehr hinterher mit dem Lesen. Besser: Die taz-Kurzkritik – das ganze Spiel in nur drei Sätzen. mehr… ⌘ Read more hey, look who is here!
Imperative programming is comfy
Internet Archive: The Largest Software Piracy Website’s massive collection of pirated material (game roms, computer software, & more) puts the entire service in legal jeopardy. The Internet Archive’s digital lending puts the entire service at risk: ⌘ Read more
They double in size when I take my bra off ⌘ Read more
Трамп оценил отношения с Путиным ⌘ Read more
Procès de la mort de Steve: le procureur veut une simple «peine de principe» pour le commissaire mis en cause
Lors du quatrième jour d’audience, le commissaire jugé pour homicide involontaire a contesté toute responsabilité dans la mort de Steve Maia Caniço lors de la Fête de la musique, en 2019, à Nantes. Le parquet, lui, estime qu’il est bien coupable, mais refuse d’en faire «un bouc émissaire». ⌘ Read more