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Recent twts from Schwartzreport

Americans dying younger than their English-speaking peers worldwide
Jessica Ho and Penn State,  Researchers  -  Study Finds

_Stephan: The United States is now ranked as one of the poorest democracies and Americans have the shortest lifespans amongst all the English speaking democracies. and part of the reason for the short lifespan data is that people in Red States have notably shorter lifespans than people in Blue states. Here are the facts about our lengt … ⌘ Read more

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U.S. Wind and Solar Are on Track to Overtake Coal This Year
BENJAMIN STORROW,  Staff Writer E&E News  -  Scientific American | E&E News

_Stephan: I am happy to publish this good news. It is happening in spite the hundreds of millions of dollars the oligarchs whose money is based on the carbon powered technologies and corporation are pouring into the MAGAt (formerly Republican) Party. The party that doesn’t believe in climate change, and doesn’t support non-pollutin … ⌘ Read more

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How China Became the World’s Leader on Renewable Energy
ISABEL HILTON,  Contributing Writer  -  Yale 360

Stephan: The Chinese still have a lot of problems, some of which are outlined in this article, but they get very clearly the importance of moving their culture out of the carbon energy era.


Last November, Chinese climate envoy Xie Zhenhua and U.S. climate envoy … ⌘ Read more

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‘I’m down to eating ramen’: Social Security benefits aren’t keeping up with inflation
Tami Luhby,    -  CNN Business

_Stephan: I, too, get Social Security, having started to contribute to it in 1958, when I was 16. I don’t know how anyone lives on the meager sums one gets from Social Security. This article describes what the reality of this system has become, and I think it is disgraceful. Why is this not a major issue in the Presidential campa … ⌘ Read more

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A tsunami is coming: The shocking influence of right-wing money on American politics
Thom Hartmann,  Contributing Writer  -  Alter Net

_Stephan: The oligarchs created by the MAGAt (formerly Republican) Party by restructuring the U.S. tax system to favor the rich, do not want democracy to continue. They want America to become a kind of Hungary. Phony elections, and total control of society by an authoritarian leader and the oligarchs who crea … ⌘ Read more

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Dozens Of Pregnant Women Are Turned Away From ERs Despite Federal Law
AMANDA SEITZ,  Reporter  -  HuffPost / Associated Press

Stephan: I wonder, have the women in the MAGAt controlled states, finally realized they have been reduced to second-class status, and their wellbeing is now controlled by politicians not themselves or their doctors? Did they vote for those politicians? Is this what they wanted?

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Child rape survivors face extraordinary barriers in states with abortion bans
Sara Cincurova and Virginia Williams,  Reporters  -  The Guardian (U.K.)

_Stephan: ”A study published earlier this year estimated that 65,000 rape-related pregnancies probably occurred in states with abortion bans since Roe fell,” this article reports. And it describes the misery inflicted by MAGAt politicians on girls who are raped. This is what the Red States have dege … ⌘ Read more

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What We Learned From Harvard’s New Study on Healthy Aging
MATT FUCHS ,  Contributing Writer  -  INSIDEHOOK

Stephan: Here is some fact-based information that will help you become healthier.


_People who eat a precise amount of fruit per day (2.5 servings!) are more likely to age healthfully.

Credit: Emmanuel Phaeton / Unsplash_

Last month, two [opinion]( … ⌘ Read more

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The US Navy’s warship production is in its worst state in 25 years. What’s behind it?
DAVID SHARP,  Reporter  -  Associated Press

_Stephan: I have been telling you for years now that the MAGAt (formerly Republican) Party’s attempt to dismantle public education and privatize it, coupled with the obscene cost of obtaining a college education, is having a very negative long-term consequence. Consider: The average cost of attendance for a student … ⌘ Read more

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621-mph maglev vacuum train “T-Flight” test successful
Joe Salas,  Contributing Writer  -  New Atlas | Xinhua (China)

_Stephan: Here is another example of the point I am trying to make. Because the MAGAt Party does not want an educated skilled population because well-educated people overwhelmingly vote for Democrats, and want greater wealth equality. Billiionaires as a rule are no patriots. They think in terms of the world and their personal profit. As a result we are no … ⌘ Read more

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Canada unveils engine that beats hydrogen: Bad news for America and an unexpected fuel
D. García,  Contributing Writer  -  Eco News

Stephan: Here is what looks like the engine for the car of the future and, once again, it is not an American design. It is Canadian, and the research I have read about this suggests, as this article does that this is a completely new deal, and is going to change cars, trucks, all vehicles.

![](https://www.s … ⌘ Read more

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House Republicans spent millions more on taxpayer-funded travel than Democrats
Gabriella Grabovska,  Staff Writer  -  Raw Story / Open Secrets

_Stephan: Being a member of Congress can entail very hard work, or it can be a very cushy job with lots of perks and not much work. One of the perks is that you can travel where you like, lodge and eat as you like, and have everything paid for by you and me. MAGAt members tend to fall in the second categor … ⌘ Read more

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162 lies and distortions in a news conference. NPR fact checks former President Trump
Domenico Montanaro,    -  nprhere were a host of false things that Donald Trump said during his hour-long news conference Thursday that have gotten attention. A glaring example is his helicopter emergency landing story, which has not stood up to scrutiny. But there was so much more. A team of NPR reporters and editors reviewed the transcript of his news con … ⌘ Read more

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Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s increasing dementia?
Robert Reich,  Carmel P. Friesen Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Senior Fellow at the Blum Center for Developing Economies.  -  Raw Story | Commentary

_Stephan: Robert Reich clearly describes the other failure I see in media. Criminal Trump is not only a psychopathic liar, if you listen to him it is clear he is also increa … ⌘ Read more

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‘Massive disinformation campaign’ is slowing global transition to green energy
Fiona Harvey,  Environment Editor  -  The Guardian (U.K.)

_Stephan: The corporations involved with the carbon era are pouring billions of dollars into lies and misinformation on corporate and social media. These people have no interest in the wellbeing of humanity, only in their immediate continued profit. The MAGAt (formerly Republican) Party is fully in league with thi … ⌘ Read more

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Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean
Victoria Gill,  Science Correspondent  -  BBC (U.K.)

Stephan: There is still so much we do not know about the systems of the Earth, as this article describes. This is why we need to be focused on new technologies and how to create a healthy Earth. Instead all we focus on is profit.


_The potato-sized metal nodules look like rocks, littering parts … ⌘ Read more

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Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos
Andy Kroll, ProPublica, and Nick Surgey,,  Reporters  -  ProPublica

_Stephan: This is a fact-based report of what the christofascist MAGAts have in mind to do with the United States if criminal Trump wins the Presidency. It is horrifying, of course, these people are not in the least interested in America remaining a democracy. But what strikes me as particularly weird, and I mean really weird, is that they don’t seem. to believe climate … ⌘ Read more

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U.S. Supreme Court rejects Missouri AG push to delay Trump sentencing in hush money case
JASON HANCOCK,  Reporter  -  Missouri Independent

Stephan: Unless I am missing something, criminal Trump is going to face sentencing in September on the 34 felony counts for which he was found guilty. That’s an election changer for sure.


_Missouri’s Attorney General Andrew … ⌘ Read more

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Harris and Walz Announced Assault Weapons Ban, Not Gun Ban, During Rally
Taija Perry Cook,    -  Snopes

_Stephan: The MAGAt media is screaming that Harris and Walz are proposing a universal gun ban designed to take your guns away. As with most of the things MAGAt media claims about Democrats, this is crap. What they are proposing is to reinstitute an assault weapons ban. I absolutely support that. Speaking as a former Viet Nam era Army medic I can see no … ⌘ Read more

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Kroger’s new dynamic AI pricing scheme is ‘corporate greed is out of control’: critics
Julie Conley,  Staff Writer  -  Raw Story | Common Dreams

_Stephan: The United States has become, based on objectively verifiable social outcome data a second-tier nation with a societal cancer. We have only one social priority: profit. The wellbeing of Americans just doesn’t seem to matter to the oligarchs and the corporations they control. Here is the la … ⌘ Read more

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From New York to Denver, US Cities Are Seeking Migrants for Jobs
Ella Ceron,  Staff Writer  -  Bloomberg



Migrant kitchen worker. Credit: SBS

Mark Berzins has a devil of a time finding enough kitchen staff for his 17 bars and restaurants in the Denver area.

The metropolis has an unemployment rate slightly below the national average and a highly educated populace that shies … ⌘ Read more

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More Rural Hospitals Are on the Verge of Closing, Report Finds
Joyce Frieden,  Washington Editor  -  MedPage Today

_Stephan: We are the only developed nation in the world that does not have universal birthright single payer healthcare; what we have is an illness profit system. It is the worst healthcare in the developed world. And, by orders of magnitude, the most expensive. It is also getting worse ever year. It has nothing to do with the wellbeing of the Americ … ⌘ Read more

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Mediterranean Diet Linked to Better Heart Health in Children and Teens
Samantha Anderer,    -  JAMA Network

Stephan: Do you know a child or teenager, or have a child or teenager in your family? If you do read this, and get them to change their diet as described. IT will change their entire life in a good way.


The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes eating more fruits, vegeta … ⌘ Read more

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Tech giants will be forced to ban fake news under Labour plans
Amy Gibbons, Dominic Penna, and Cameron Henderson ,  Reporters  -  Microsoft Start / The Telegraph (U.K.)

_Stephan: Finally, someone in the position to do something is trying to take on the tidal wave of misinformation that has flooded the internet to the benefit of the oligarchs who own social media, particularly Elon Musk. The democracies of the world, particularly the United States are in crisis, … ⌘ Read more

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“Offer our children healthier choices”: The growing push for school lunch reform
ASHLIE D. STEVENS,  Food Editor  -  Salon

_Stephan: If you have ever seen what children are offered for lunch in Europe compared to what they get in the U.S., you know how inferior school lunches in America are. It’s pathetic and, of course, it is all about money and profit. The fundamental problem we have as a country is that the only social priority we have is profi … ⌘ Read more

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The Biggest Success Story the Country Doesn’t Know About
Dean Baker,  Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research.  -  The New Republic

_Stephan: There is so much misinformation being spewed out all over the internet, particularly on X, that I am afraid most American voters really don’t know what is going on with the economy. I searched for what I felt comfortable publishing as a fact-based report that might help my readers to make a valid assessmen … ⌘ Read more

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Elon Musk’s misleading election claims have accrued 1.2 billion views on X, new analysis says
David Ingram,  Reporter  -  NBC News

_Stephan: For starters, do not use, or stop using, X. Elon Musk is one of the billionaires who want to end democracy in the United States so that they can establish an authoritarian oligarchy that they control. Criminal Trump is their puppet because his mind is fading as his ego grows and they have figure … ⌘ Read more

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Mass Shootings and the Impacts to Emotional Health & Well-Being
,    -  ProTrainings

Stephan: Here are the facts showing us what America’s gun psychosis and the mass murders it has manifested are doing to the wellbeing of the United States. It is not a happy story.

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Broadcasting & Cable to Shutter As This Year’s Media Meltdown Escalates
Alex Weprin,  Buisness and Media Writer  -  The Hollywood Reporter

_Stephan: The media we knew as children is disappearing. Newspapers are closing, magazines are no longer publishing or going only online, or just closing. The three broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, NBC have been transformed. And AI is growing and spewing ever more misinformation. In the 33 years I have been doing SR it has … ⌘ Read more

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The Rising Fear of American Christians
Elle Hardy,  Staff Writer  -  UnHerd

_Stephan: Active affiliation with a Christian church is dwindling significantly in the American population. It seems to be generally replaced by people describing themselves as spiritual not religious. As this report describes, however, for White Christians this is an alarming and threatening development, and so America’s gun psychosis is melding with white Christians who are threatened by their declining perce … ⌘ Read more

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Operating theaters, bowling alleys and home cinemas: Not happy with safe rooms, the super-rich are building luxury fortresses
Simon Usborne,  Reporter  -  CNN

_Stephan: The uber-rich who are largely blocking effective attempts to mitigate climate change because such policies negatively impact their profits are, as this article describes, reverting to a kind of neo-medievalism by building fortresses to k … ⌘ Read more

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As World’s Springs Vanish, Ripple Effects Alter Ecosystems

Stephan: This is the first and only article I have ever run across that gives the real picture of natural springs and their role in the Matrix of Life. Like so many ecology stories it is a sad story.


A spring in a forest in Bavaria, Germany. Credit: / GMHH / Alamy

Strong winds sw … ⌘ Read more

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Rates of Shoplifting Reach Staggering Level
Suzanne Blake,  Consumer & Social Trends Reporter  -  Newsweek

_Stephan: Think about this story. What it is telling us is that the United States has such grotesque wealth inequality that large number of Americans have become shoplifters out of necessity. I hate reporting these trends, and I hate what it says about our country. PLease vote only for Democrats. They are far from perfect but the alternative is Project 2025 and that is despic … ⌘ Read more

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Israel Has Damaged or Destroyed 85 Percent of Schools in Gaza
Sharon Zang,  News writer  -  truthout

_Stephan: I confess I do not understand what has happened to Israel. Fascism. Genocide of little children and women. Deliberately destroying the schools, which is to say the Palestinian next generation’s future. And the Israeli population. What has happened to them? I understand about the hostages, and I do not in anyway excuse Hamas. But this is about to not only … ⌘ Read more

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My Uncle Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans Like My Son ‘Should Just Die’
Fred C. Trump,  Donald Trump’s Nephew  -  Time Magazine

_Stephan: Day after day we learn another yet another story about the loathsome criminal Trump. This a first person account from his nephew Fred. And yet millions of Americans worship this man no matter what he does. It is one of the most notable things about Americans, and our society. I confess I do not fully under … ⌘ Read more

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‘The money was critical’: Forbes report shows staggering amount Trump earned as president
Kathleen Culliton,  Assistant Managing Editor  -  Raw Story

_Stephan: Saturday I covered the $10 million dollar bribe the dictator of Egypt gave to criminal Trump in the form of 200 pounds of $100 bills (the image sticks in my mind) which resulted in a significant change in U.S. policy toward Egypt, and hundreds of millions of dollars of aid. But tha … ⌘ Read more

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Public Land Solar Plan Can Balance Energy and Conservation
Laurel Williams,  Staff - The Pew Charitable Trust Conservation Project  -  Pew Research Center

_Stephan: Here is some more good news from the Biden administration about preparing the United States for reducing the dynamics creating climate change. It isn’t even being covered by most of the media, nor is much else about climate change. We’re having an election in which most of the news is about Criminal Trum … ⌘ Read more

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Top Israeli Official: “Morally Justified” to Starve 2 Million to Death in Gaza
Sharon Zhang ,  News Writer  -  truthout

Stephan: This is the Israeli government’s mindset. I don’t think there is anything else to say.


_Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich is pictured outside Damascus gate in Jerusalem on June 5, 2024.

Credit: Eyal Warshavsky / Sopa Images / Lightroc … ⌘ Read more

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The Heritage Foundation Is Pushing a Nuclear Arms Race
WILLIAM HARTUNG ,  Contributing Writer  -  Truthdig

_Stephan: This is the latest evil from The Heritage Foundation. Fascists liked the Cold War, it created the military-industrial industries President Eisenhower warned us about, and for a small group of fascists it was astonishingly profitable. The people who fund The Heritage Foundation would like another run down that profit street. Criminal Trump would be only to … ⌘ Read more

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Trump congratulates Putin on ‘great’ hostage swap
NICOLAS CAMUT,  Staff Writer  -  Politico

Stephan: Criminal Trump is the only political leader in any country who is congratulating criminal Putin on making the better deal on the largest prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States since the end of the Cold War. It tells us a great deal about MAGAt worldthat he said this to a mass of MAGAt supporters and no one seems to find it weird. I certainly do.

![](https://w … ⌘ Read more

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Oklahoma schools in revolt over Bible mandate
LEXI LONAS,  Staff Writer  -  The Hill

_Stephan: For over a decade the MAGAt (formerly Republican) Party has been trying to dismantle public education. In Project 2025 they go so far as to propose to eliminate the Department of Education. And in Red states like Oklahoma, as this article describes, MAGAt legislators and state officials as actively breaching the Founders fundamental firewall between church and state. As a result teache … ⌘ Read more

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Why thousands of Michigan votes likely won’t be counted in Tuesday’s primary
Hayley Harding,  Reporter  -  Votebeat Michigan

_Stephan: It is getting harder and harder to vote in the United States, either because of the MAGAt sabotage of the voting system, or because of the incompetent bureaucratic poor design of the ballets, as is happening in Michigan. We are a country that claims to be a democracy but the individual states, as this Michigan article … ⌘ Read more

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Trump Cancels a Debate With Harris on ABC News and Pitches One With Fox News Instead
Neil Vigdor, Maggie Haberman and Simon J. Levien,  Reporters  -  Reader SUpported News / The New York Times

_Stephan: I told you criminal Trump would find a way to back out of a debate with Kamala Harris. He is afraid of her because unlike Biden she will call him a liar to his face. So he is trying to rerig a debate using the Fox propaganda network to condu … ⌘ Read more

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Exposed: The ‘Bigoted Conspiracy Caucus’ in US Congress
Brett Wilkins,  Staff Writer  -  Common Dreams

_Stephan: We are less than 100 days from the weirdest and most important election in any of our lifetimes, and we have one party that is openly and explicitly planning to end democracy, create an oligarch controlled authoritarian country, break the firewall between church and state, and reduce women to permanent second-class status as citizens. If you don’t vote, and vot … ⌘ Read more

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The Secret Plan to Strike Down US Gun Laws
WILL VAN SANT,  Staff Writer  -  Mother Jones

Stephan: Perverted Christianity, fascism, White supremacy, male dominance, and an obsession with guns, that’s the combo of the MAGAt world, and it is all funded by christofascist oligarchs who hire lawyers without honor to play the laws like a banjo to get the American they want. Here’s the story.


_Mother Jones illust … ⌘ Read more

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Scientists uncover microbes that destroy ‘forever chemical’ pollutants
Miriam Bergeret ,  Live Science Contributing Writer  -  Live Science

Stephan: Here is some good news concerning research on how to degrade “forever” chemicals (PFAS), that have become a major human-created pollutant with all kinds of negative consequences for the Matrix of Life, including humans.


_Scientists h … ⌘ Read more

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‘Significant shift’ away from coal as most new steelmaking is now electric
MOLLY LEMPRIERE,  Contributing Writer  -  Carbon Brief

_Stephan: Here is some more transitional good news. As this report says, “The bulk of steelmaking around the world still relies on coal-based blast furnaces.
As a result, the steel and iron industry is responsible for 7% of greenhouse gas emissions and 11% of carbon dioxide emissions globally, according to the consultancy fi … ⌘ Read more

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$10M cash withdrawal drove secret probe into whether Trump took money from Egypt
Aaron Davis, Carol D. Leonnig ,  Reporters  -  Microsoft Start | The Washington Post

_Stephan: Here is the story, just emerging, of what history will record as the largest bribe of an American President by a foreign government – who else but criminal Trump – in the history of the United States. And, because of the Supreme Court decision on immunity, he will get a … ⌘ Read more

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Andean glacier retreat unprecedented in human civilization, study finds
,    -  RTE on Climate

_Stephan: Yesterday it was a report that Antarctica is 50°F over normal temperature. Today is it is this alarming report about the Andes, the world’s largest longest mountain range. When you realize that a tiny group of rich people who control the oil and gas industries are enriching themselves in a manner that is putting the entire Earth at risk you understan … ⌘ Read more

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In world first, EU’s sweeping AI law enters into force
,    -  Agence France-Presse (France)

_Stephan: The Europeans are doing what the United States has not done, beginning to establish AI regulations. Far from perfect but at least a start. I see this as very good news for the EU. Let us hope that Harris is elected President, and that the Democrats have significant majorities in both the Senate and House so that before AI becomes an existential threat to our democracy i … ⌘ Read more

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